Individual and Couples Counseling

Individual Counseling as well as couples counseling can be very helpful in your journey to healing.  You have so many emotions and feelings happening and it can help to talk with a professional regarding these emotions.  Also, men and women grieve very different so couples counseling can help guide these differences and ensure you are there for each other. I also recommend family members look into counseling as well to help cope with the grief as well as how to support the parents who have lost their child. 


Support Groups

Support Groups bring together others that have experienced a similar loss and allows you all to share your stories with one another.  Therapists help drive conversation and help those in the group discuss situations going through and how best to cope. This is a safe place where you can talk freely about your pain, anger, sadness and many other emotions you are having. 

Ensure you take care of yourself during this time as it is so crucial to your healing.  Adrien and I were blessed to have KinderMourn, a local organization in Charlotte, NC that provides bereaved parents and children the opportunity to participate in support groups and other counseling programs where they find encouragement and coping skills for dealing with grief. We built strong bonds with those in our group that we carry with us today. 


There are many foundations and groups that can help you through this difficult time. Below are two sites that allow you to search by state to find support groups/organizations that are local to you.  Continue to search for one that you feel at home with and truly is providing you the support you need to work through this grief.  



The Tears Foundation

The TEARS Foundation offers free support groups for bereaved families who have experienced the death of their baby. We also have trained "Peer Companions" available to talk over the phone or meet with you. A Peer Companion is a bereaved parent or family member who has also lost a baby, has at least 2 years through their grief process, and has completed the TEARS training. To be connected with a Peer Companion contact our office at 253-200-0944,

Offers Support Groups for the following States: Washington, Alaska, Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, South Carolina

First Candle

Grief Resource for families and showcases local support groups for a variety of states and cities.  Provides a state-by-state list of grief resources available for anyone affected by the death of a baby, whether during pregnancy or after birth.

For Grief Support Call: 1-800-221-7437